Export-Document: No PDF from AutoCAD drawings is created for non existing config file passed in the -Options parameter


When creating a PDF file from an AutoCAD drawing and passing a non existing config DWG file to the -Options parameter of the Export-Document Cmdlet, the PDF is not created and there are no errors in the log file.


Currently under investigation


Make sure to pass an existing config file in the -Options parameter of the Export-Document Cmdlet. Additionally you can use Test-Path to check if the PDF file exists in the localPdfFileLocation:

# Make sure the PDF.dwg file exists in "C:\programData\coolOrange\powerJobs\Modules\Export"
$configFile = "$($env:POWERJOBS_MODULESDIR)Export\PDF.dwg"
$exportResult = Export-Document -Format 'PDF' -To $localPDFfileLocation -Options $configFile
if (-not (Test-Path $localPDFfileLocation)) {
throw("PDF Export failed")