The export to DXF with powerJobs Processor can be configured in the INI files "DXF_2D.ini" for Inventor drawings and "DXF_SheetMetal.ini" for Inventor sheet metal parts.
Since powerJobs Processor uses DWGTrueView to export AutoCAD files it is not possible to export AutoCAD drawings to DXF with the default configuration. In this case the AutoCAD Cre Console must be used as described in this article on the coolOrange knowledge base.
The configuration files can be found in "C:\ProgramData\coolOrange\powerJobs\Modules\Export". To modify the config file open it in a text editor.
Create your DXF configuration
Using powerJobs Processor it is possible to create DXF files out of Inventor drawings and sheet metal parts:
For Inventor Drawings
The easiest way to create your own INI file is to use the "DXF File Export Options" in Inventor. Then Save the configuration as INI file and re-use it for the powerJobs Processor job:
- Open a drawing in Inventor
- Go to "File" -> "Save As" -> "Save Copy As"
- In the dialog select DXF
- Click on "Options..."
- Configure the export as needed
- Save the configuration in "C:\ProgramData\coolOrange\powerJobs\Modules\Export"
When opening the configuration file saved from Inventor and the one delivered with powerJobs Processor you'll notice some differences. To be able to work with the saved file you'll need to add the following line to the INI file using the name of your INI file:
For sheet metal parts
For sheet metal parts it is not possible to use an INI file created by Inventor because powerJobs Processor uses the DataIO addin. Instead you can open the "DXF_SheetMetal.ini" file delivered with powerJobs Processor and add your customization to it. All parameters should be in a single line.
For parameters of type "*Layer" you can use additional parameters using the suffixes "*LineType", "*LineWeight" or "*Color". The parameters consist of "Layername + additionalParameterName" Here are some examples:
- BendDownLayerLineType=37636
- For the LineType you can check which value to use by using [Inventor.LineTypeEnum]. In this example for dotted lines. This code returns the value to insert in your INI file:
Import-Module powerJobs
# Returns 37636
- For the LineType you can check which value to use by using [Inventor.LineTypeEnum]. In this example for dotted lines. This code returns the value to insert in your INI file:
- TangentLayerLineWeight=0.0500
- LineWeight consists of a double value and represents a value in centimeters
- BendLayerColor=5;5;5
- Color consists of an RGB value that is separated by semicolons
For the other parameters please refer to this documentation (coolOrange wiki).
Use the INI file in the job
Create a copy of the "Sample.CreateDXF" job delivered with powerJobs Processor and open it.
For drawings search for the following line and modify it to use your own configuration file
$configFile = "$($env:POWERJOBS_MODULESDIR)Export\DXF_2D.ini"
For sheet metal parts search for the following line and adapt the path to use your own INI file:
$configFile = "$($env:POWERJOBS_MODULESDIR)Export\DXF_SheetMetal.ini"