How to exclude Layers when exporting AutoCAD drawings

When AutoCAD drawings are converted into another format some layers should not be displayed.

This cannot be configured in the setup drawings, but in the drawing itself. In the layer manager you can set every layer to be plotted or not

To achieve this do the following:

  • Open your drawing
  • In the console type LAYER. If you have AutoCAD Mechanical you can also use _AMLAYER
  • In the layer manager search for the layer you don't want to export
  • If the printer icon in the "Plot" column does not has a stop sign click it
  • Save the drawing


  • Currently there is no way to modify the layers in the script as we use DwgTrueview per default, which does not offer an API to do that
  • If for some reason more complex logic is required it would be advisable to create a job that utilizes AutoCAD instead of DwgTrueview