The powerVault Cmdlet Get-VaultFileBom is crashing on your machine or not behaving correctly and our product support asked you to export the BOM(Bill of Material) of the file.
You can use the attached BomExtractor script to export the Vault BOM of the file that is causing issues and all its dependencies in a ZIP file. You can then submit the file to our support via email ( for further analysis.
Using the script
To use the script powerVault must be installed.
- Right click on the script and click on "Run with PowerShell"
- Insert your Vault credentials in the dialog and click "OK"
- Select the file you want to extract from the next dialog and click "Open"
- Select the output path and click "OK"
- The script will create a ZIP file containing the BOM extract in the specified output path. The name of the file consists of the original vault file name and ''
The tool uses the directory 'C:\BOMExtractor\' to store the extracted BOM files temporarily this folder should not be touched during operation, the tool will remove the directory after the export.
This tool currently does not support Model states.