How to print an Inventor drawing with powerJobs Processor

An Inventor IDW or DWG needs to be printed using powerJobs Processor.

The attached script uses the print manager in the Inventor API to print a drawing.

The script is setup in a way that allows the user to make settings, using the powerJobs settings dialog.

The $workingDirectory doesn't have to be specified anymore as this is done by powerJobs Processor now. powerJobs also takes care of the cleanup.

After the printer configuration the script will download the drawing to "C:\Temp", open the document using the Open-Document commandlet and use the $openResult variable to access the Inventor API and then the PrintManager trough the API. After the configuration is passed to the PrintManager the document will finally gets printed.

Possible values for printer configuration

At the beginning of the script insert the name of your printer and the number of copies you want to print. 


In some cases it might be necessary to fit the camera properly

$view = $openResult.Application.Instance.ActiveView
$camera = $

How to use the script

  1. Download the script from the attachments
  2. Make sure that the file is unblocked
  3. Copy the file to the powerJobs jobs location: "C:\ProgramData\coolOrange\powerJobs\Jobs"
  4. Define the printer name and configure how the drawing should be printed
  5. Restart powerJobs Processor
  6. Start the job
