Update powerEvents to current version

Summary of changes that need to be done when updating powerEvents to current version

When updating to the current version execute all the steps after your current version to the end. For example when updating from v20.0.7 to current version start with instructions for 21.0.7.

Update to 20.0.7

Register the Serial Number for v20 products (and later) on your Vault environments

See: breaking changes

Update to 21.0.7

Upgrading other products to v21 may be required, as described in this article

Remove try catch blocks that were made to notify users about exceptions in script blocks or functions passed to the -Action parameter of Register-VaultEvent calls since powerEvents now displays error notifications

See: breaking changes

Update to 22.0.5

Retrieve linked properties of ChangeOrder Items using the "Record_" prefix for AddChangeOrder or CommitChangeOrder event