BOM Window: BomRows remain in state Unknown after an operation


When executing an operation like "Check" or Transfer" BOM on the powerGate BOM Window some bomRows remain in state "Unknown"


This issue happens when accessing the BOM object in the PowerShell function


This issue can be avoided by saving the BOM object in a different variable and using that in the BOM window operations:

function Check-Boms($boms) {

# Workaround
 $myBom = $boms | Sort-Object {[int]$_.Bom_PositionNumber}

foreach($bom in $myBom) {
$bom | Update-BomWindowEntity -Status 'Identical'
foreach ($bomRow in $bom.Children) {
$bomRow | Update-BomWindowEntity -Status 'Identical'
$myHeader = $myBom | Where-Object { $_.Bom_Number -eq "Part" }