After installing powerPLM all powerJobs Processor jobs fail to connect to Vault
After installing powerPLM all jobs run with powerJobs Processor v23.0.1 fail with
2022-05-16 15:02:01,366 [Pipeline Execution Thread] WARN powerVault.Cmdlets.Cmdlets.Vault.OpenVaultConnectionContext - OpenVaultConnectionContext.Run({coolOrange.Powershell.Cmdlets.ExecutionResult}) | Failed, exception = {Exception}.
System.Exception: Failed to login to Vault! An error occured during log-in.
at powerVault.Cmdlets.Cmdlets.Vault.OpenVaultConnectionContext.Run(ExecutionResult result)
2022-05-16 15:02:01,371 [Pipeline Execution Thread] ERROR coolOrange.Powershell.Hosting.Host.PowershellHost - The script execution terminated because of an error generated by script, functions or commands.
System.Management.Automation.CmdletInvocationException: You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.
at Open-VaultConnection, C:\ProgramData\coolOrange\powerJobs\Modules\coolOrange.powerFLC.Workflows.Common.psm1: line 23
at <ScriptBlock>, C:\ProgramData\coolOrange\powerJobs\Setup_Job.ps1: line 13
Currently under investigation
Solution 1
Update powerPLM(powerFLC) to at least 23.0.2 in order to fix this issue.
Solution 2
To workaround this issue you can either downgrade your powerJobs Processor and powerFLC version to 22.0.22 or you can modify the Setup_Job.ps1 script.
To modify the script open the file "C:\ProgramData\coolOrange\powerJobs\Setup_Job.ps1"
Search for Open-VaultConnection cmdlet and modify it with your actual Vault connection data like this:
if ($IAmRunningInJobProcessor) {
Open-VaultConnection -Server 'yourServer' -Vault 'yourVault' -User 'yourPowerJobsUser' -Password 'yourPowerJobsUserPassword'