powerJobs Processor v23 jobs fail with "Failed to login to Vault" after installing powerPLM(powerFLC)

After installing powerPLM all powerJobs Processor jobs fail to connect to Vault


After installing powerPLM all jobs run with powerJobs Processor v23.0.1 fail with

2022-05-16 15:02:01,366 [Pipeline Execution Thread] WARN  powerVault.Cmdlets.Cmdlets.Vault.OpenVaultConnectionContext - OpenVaultConnectionContext.Run({coolOrange.Powershell.Cmdlets.ExecutionResult}) | Failed, exception = {Exception}.
System.Exception: Failed to login to Vault! An error occured during log-in.
   at powerVault.Cmdlets.Cmdlets.Vault.OpenVaultConnectionContext.Run(ExecutionResult result)
2022-05-16 15:02:01,371 [Pipeline Execution Thread] ERROR coolOrange.Powershell.Hosting.Host.PowershellHost - The script execution terminated because of an error generated by script, functions or commands.
System.Management.Automation.CmdletInvocationException: You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.
   at Open-VaultConnection, C:\ProgramData\coolOrange\powerJobs\Modules\coolOrange.powerFLC.Workflows.Common.psm1: line 23
   at <ScriptBlock>, C:\ProgramData\coolOrange\powerJobs\Setup_Job.ps1: line 13 


Currently under investigation

Solution 1

Update powerPLM(powerFLC) to at least 23.0.2 in order to fix this issue.

Solution 2

To workaround this issue you can either downgrade your powerJobs Processor and powerFLC version to 22.0.22 or you can modify the Setup_Job.ps1 script.

To modify the script open the file "C:\ProgramData\coolOrange\powerJobs\Setup_Job.ps1"

Search for Open-VaultConnection cmdlet and modify it with your actual Vault connection data like this:

if ($IAmRunningInJobProcessor) {
  Open-VaultConnection -Server 'yourServer' -Vault 'yourVault' -User 'yourPowerJobsUser' -Password 'yourPowerJobsUserPassword'