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PowerShell events not executed after powerVault v18.0.19 update
After upgrading powerVault to version 18.0.19, the registered PowerShell events do not get raised any more and the Logfile contains the following errors:
2017-08-04 03:27:26,430 [1] FATAL powerEvents.Cmdlets.Vault.VaultEntityFactory - Create failed with exception
System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Void coolOrange.Powershell.Cmdlets.Cmdlets.Vault.Facade.VaultEntityFactory..ctor(cOVaultServices.Vault.IVaultServices, coolOrange.Powershell.Cmdlets.Cmdlets.Vault.Facade.IPropertyReaderFactory)'.
at powerEvents.Cmdlets.Vault.VaultEntityFactory.(IVaultServices ?)
at powerEvents.Cmdlets.Vault.VaultEntityFactory.Create(File file)
powerEvents 18.0.4 and lower are not compatible with this powerVault version.
Upgrade powerEvents to the latest version.
The issue got fixed in version: 18.0.15