Sample.TransferItemBOMs is not updating items

When running the job "Sample.TransferItemBOMs" multiple times on the same item only the first run transfers any data.


When running the job "Sample.TransferItemBOMs" multiple times on the same item only the first run transfers any data.


Per default the job contains a condition to only update items when the description changes.


You either need to extend the condition to actually match your workflow or you need to remove it altogether. Removing the condition can be a huge performance hit depending on the amount of items you are transferring.

Extending the condition could look like this:

Removing the condition would look like this:

A third option could be to use the Test-FlcEqualsVaultItem function provided on colabs github. It compares a Vault and a Fusion item based on your configuration and returns $true if they are identical or $false if they differ. This way you can update the item only when necessary.

Please not that all functions publish there are provided 'as is' and are excluded from free product support. 

See Also

The underscore properties are multilanguage powerVault properties. You can find a list in the powerVault documentation.