Time triggered jobs run into an error when being logged in powerJobs Processor using Windows authentication or Autodesk ID


When being logged in powerJobs Processor using Windows authentication or Autodesk ID, time triggered jobs will run into the following error

2021-05-18 17:50:04,736 [DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-1] WARN . - .LoginToVault("Vault") | Failed, exception = {Exception}.
System.Exception: Failed to login to Vault! Wrong Username or Password. ---> Autodesk.Connectivity.WebServices.VaultServiceErrorException: 301


Currently under investigation


In order to run time triggered jobs you'll need to log into powerJobs Processor using a Vault user:

  1. Open powerJobs Processor
  2. Go to "File" and pause the jobProcessor
  3. Go to "Administration" and click on "Settings"
  4. Change the "Authentication" to "Vault Account"
  5. Insert your credentials and click "OK"