Trace window remains empty and no jobs are executed

When starting powerJobs Processor the GUI comes up and the trace window remains empty and no jobs are executed


When starting powerJobs Processor(PJP) the GUI comes up and the trace windows remains empty. It takes an arbitrary amount of time until the version number is written to the trace window, which might take up to an hour. No jobs are executed in this time.


This is caused by an issue in the coolOrange licensing libraries when many script and module files exist in the powerJobs directories and PJP has been activated with the online activation. The exact amount differs on every computer.


This issue has been resolved in powerJobs Processor 22.0.22


  • Close PJP
  • Open the PJP license dialog and press "Change License"
  • In a web browser navigate to the site "Activation of powerJobs Processor" and generate an activation file for the affected machine. The machine code can be copied in the licensing dialog, using the small sheet icon on the right side of the machine code.
  • In the licensing dialog set the comboboxes to "StandAlone" and "ActivationFile"
  • In the licensing dialog select the activation file and press "Register License"
  • Start PJP