When installing powerGate an error is displayed to use MAIN_COMPONENTS_ONLY=1


When installing powerGate the following error is displayed, even though no version of powerGate is installed currently.

The application does not support upgrading from an installation with only the Main components (Cmdlets and .NET Library) to a Full Installation.
Please upgrade the application using the 'MAIN_COMPONENTS_ONLY=1' argument.

This article specifically describes a new installation, not an update. To check whether powerGate currently is installed.

  • Press Win + R
  • In the run window type appwiz.cpl and press ok
  • In the Programs and Features window verify that the following entry doesn't exist. "coolOrange powerGate for Vault 20xx"

This should look like this

If you see below entry then powerGate currently is installed. This means you are doing an update and this article is not applicable.


This happens when the registry key "HKLM\Software\coolOrange s.r.l.\powerGate" of a previous installation could not be removed when powerGate was uninstalled. This can happen when the user doing the uninstall has permissions to run uninstall, but not to modify the registry.

The error message will be displayed whether powerGate is installed with the MAIN_COMPONENTS_ONLY switch or not and depending how the registry key "VaultErpIntegration_installed" is set.

VaultErpIntegration_installed = 1 and MAIN_COMPONENTS_ONLY=1 will cause the error

VaultErpIntegration_installed = 0 and installing without MAIN_COMPONENTS_ONLY will cause the error


First you should check if powerGate really is not installed as described above. Then you'll have to clean up the registry and as a last step ensure the issue doesn't occur again.

To clean up the registry 

  • Press Win + R
  • In the run window type regedit and press ok
  • Delete the registry key "HKLM\Software\coolOrange s.r.l.\powerGate"

To ensure that this isn't happening again you have to ensure to install and uninstall powerGate with sufficient permissions. As we can't really know what exactly is configured in your environment to restrict the permissions the easiest way to do is to start the installer through command line with elevated permissions.

  • Press Win
  • In the search field type cmd
  • Use arrow keys to select "Command Prompt"
  • Press Ctrl + Shift + Enter to start cmd with elevated permissions

In your command line window enter the path to your installer and press enter to start it.

For example C:\TEMP\powerGate24.0_Vault2024.exe

When uninstalling also start the exe in this manner and then uninstall using the powerGate setup.