Out of memory issue when running a lot of jobs

When running thousands of powerJobs Processor jobs the system memory is eventually used up completely


When a lot of powerJobs Processor(PJP) jobs are executed that contains calls of **Update-VaultFile**, without restarting PJP, then the system memory is used up eventually.


This is probably caused by a memory leak in **Update-VaultFile**. 

For example:

$null = Update-VaultFile -File $file._FullPath -Properties $hashtable


$null = Update-VaultFile -File $file._FullPath -AddAttachments @($pdfFile._FullPath)


Until an update is available you can work around this issue be restarting PJP on a regular intervall. The article "how-to-start-powerjobs-processor-automatically" describes how to do that.