The DXF SheetMetal export configuration does not work correctly


when exporting a SheetMetal part to DXF using powerJobs Processor the resulting DXF file is incorrect


The SheetMetal.ini file that is delivered with powerJobs Processor contains 3 legacy layers that are not supported anymore:

  • BendLayer
  • ToolCenterLayer
  • FeatureProfilesLayer

Those layers were replaced by

  • BendUpLayer
  • ToolCenterUpLayer
  • FeatureProfilesUpLayer


To export correct sheetMetal DXF files the unsupported layers need to be removed:

  1. Open the file "C:\ProgramData\coolOrange\powerJobs\Modules\Export\DXF_SheetMetal.ini" with a text editor
  2. Delete the following lines in the INI file:
    • BendLayer=IV_BEND
    • ToolCenterLayer=IV_TOOL_CENTER
    • FeatureProfilesLayer=IV_FEATURE_PROFILES
  3. Save the file

Now you can correctly configure the layers in your DXF configuration file.

See also

How to configure the DXF export (coolOrange knowledge base)