Licensing Notifications

Products using the Licensing v18  will show notifications depending on the state of a License. The way a notification is shown to the user can differ from product to product. More details can be found on the Wiki in the Activation and Trial limitations page of the respective product.

Some of the notifications for the different Licensing Models:

Stand-Alone Licensing

License is not valid

This notification indicates that the entered License is not valid. 

To solve the issue register a correct Serial Number or a correct activation file using the Change License option. For more information check out this article.

License is expired

When the license is expired the following notification is shown and the product can no longer be used. 

To be able to use the product again please contact to renew the License.

License expiring

When the product license is about to expire the user will be informed, so the license can be renewed in a timely manner.

Feature based products

If you are using a feature based product and try to use a feature that is not available with the purchased license the following notification is shown.

See Also