If you are experiencing any issues with our products, please check out this document with frequently asked questions with a possible answer/solution. 

In case that none of the suggested solutions are working feel free to contact our support@coolorange.com at any time, see here therefore how to create a support ticket effectively:



Q: What should I do if the activation of a product does not work?

A: Activation of product does not work


Q: What should I do when I extended the license and it is not updated in the License Information dialog?

A: License information is not updated



Q: What can I do to increase the performance when opening a BCP package with the bcpViewer?

A: How to increase performance when opening a BCP package


powerJobs Processor

Q: What should I do when the lines of AutoCAD drawings are squished when creating PDF?  

A: When creating PDFs from AutoCAD files the lines are squished


Q: What should I do when the powerJobs Processor status bar is on "Processing" after start and the error .ctor failed is displayed?

A: powerJobs Processor status bar is on "Processing" after start


Q: What should I do when this error shows up Startup-Operation: 'RestrictionChecks' failed? 

A: Startup Operation "Restriction Checks" failed


Q: What should I do when the Job Processor Window is not integrated into the powerJobs Processor Window? 

A: The JobProcessor window is not integrated in the powerJobs Processor window


Q: What should I do when the ERROR VaultServiceErrorException: 1013 shows up in the powerJobs Processor logfile? 

A: Vault service error 1013 in the powerJobs logfile 


Q: What should I do when the powerJobs Processor Vault menu is not working? 

A: powerJobs Vault menu is not working


Q: What should I do when receiving  the ERROR powerJobs.exe - Assert failure when starting powerJobs? 

A: powerJObs.exe - Assert failure when starting powerJobs Processor



Q: What should i do when receiving a 1013 exception when using Get-VaultFileBOM?

A: Get-VaultFileBOM returns 1013 exception


Q: How should I use the BomExtractor tool to export BOM's in case of problems 

A: How to use the BOMExtractor tool to export BOMs



Q: What can I do when the PowerShell events are not being executed within Inventor? 

A: PowerShell events are not executed within Inventor


Q: How can I register events only in certain applications? 

A: Register events only in some applications



Q: What should i do when the columns in the BOM Window disappear?

A: The columns in the BOM Window disappear


Q: What should I do when one of two identical BomRows has the status “Unknown”, after clicking “Check” or “Transfer” in the BOM Window? 

A: Identical BomRows do not updates the status



Q: What should I do when the Loading  of a 32-bit plugin fails with BadImageFormatException? 

A: Loading 32bit plugin fails with BadImageException


Q:  What should I do when the powerGate Server responds with license expired? 

A: powerGateServer v20 responds with license expired


Q:  How can I start/stop the powerGateServer service? 

A: Starting and stopping the service


Q: What should I do when the connection to the ERP fails? 

A: Check the following file C:\ProgramData\coolOrange\powerGateServer\Plugins\YourERP\YourERP.dll.config 

Check if the information written in this file is correct or not (username, password etc.). It is also important that the user has the necessary rights in the ERP system.  

Q: What should I do when the BOM Transfer fails? 

A: Check the following folder C:\ProgramData\coolOrange\powerGateServer\Plugins\YourERP there should be a Webservice.xml 

Check if all the Webservices are working, then copy the link of a webservice and insert it in the URL bar. If you get an error the service is not working 

It could be that something in the webservices changed ask your ERP responsible 



Q: What should I do when the settings dialog is disabled and can’t be configured? 

A: Settings dialog is disabled


Q: What should I do when the search functionality returns incorrect results? 

A: The search results from Fusion Lifecycle are incorrect


Q: What should I do when the attachments are not being uploaded to Fusion Lifecycle? 

A: Attachments are not uploaded to Fusion Lifecycle


Q: What should I do when Images are not displayed in Fusion Lifecycle? 

A: Images are not displayed in Fusion Lifecycle



Q: How can I find problems in my PowerShell script?

A: How to find issues in PowerShell scripts


Q: How can I export AutoCAD DXF drawings? 

A: How to export AutoCAD drawings to DXF using the AutoCAD core console


Q: How can I send and email with powerJobs? 

A: .How to send Emails with PowerJobs Processor


Q: Where can I find general Information on using coolOrange products? 

A: coolOrange Documentation